Are you killing it at the gym, killing it in the kitchen, and sitting stagnant at the scale wondering "What am I doing wrong here?!?". Bodies are complicated. If all that is true, just keep working your ass off and nourishing your body, those pounds are about to shed . . . soon ish.
Physiologically, a lot happens when we exercise. Cardio and weight lifting, especially, push the body hard, forcing the body to act "in defense". Once our bodies sense intense exercise, blood volume immediately increases, adding up to 2.2 lbs of weight to our system, in fact, larger blood volume is a sign of physical fitness. Our kidneys begin preparing for exercise induced dehydration by retaining water and our sore, damaged muscles experience edeama as they heal. All of this combined can add up to 6lbs and it can last as long as 3-6 weeks after starting a new cardio or weight lifting regimen.
Give your body the time it needs to adjust and cope with the stress it's under. Your results are coming! Nothing in life is free, and everything great is worth waiting for. You've got this! Always remember, consistency and commitment are huge, you simply cannot achieve a goal if you quit working towards it.
