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Are you cooling down after you exercise?


Updated: Apr 5, 2019

You just killed your workout. You have an awesome sweat on, your fitness tracker congratulates you for exceeding your fitness goal for the day, your heart is still racing, all you want to do is drop to the ground. So why should you keep moving?

A cool down plays some crucial roles in our routines. This is when our bodies start the recovery process. Rather than a sudden halt in activity, a cool down allows for many things to occur within our bodies. As we cool down our heart rate slows gradually, our respiratory rate returns to resting rate, it encourages the blood in our large working muscles to return to circulation and avoid pooling in the lower extremities, which can cause dizziness and fainting, it helps to remove lactic acid and other waste products from our muscles, it helps to improve flexibility, and all this will help to reduce injury.

Take that few extra minutes at the end of a great workout to relax and recover. Your heart and other muscles, as well as your mind, will thank you by reaping the benefits of self care. A cool down can be as simple as a light jog on the spot followed by some dynamic and static stretches. Flexibility should be performed at least 4 days a week, so just get it done!

If you are working on a tight time budget try these 2 Full Body stretches and make sure you spend at least 2-10 minutes to allow your body to come down slowly.

1. Low Lunge - for hips, legs, glutes and back

With feet hip width apart, lunge forward and bring both hands to the inside of extended foot, keep back leg long with toes planted, take inside hand, extend arm up while twisting until arm and shoulders are parallel to the ground, look to that hand, hold for a few seconds, bring had back down, switch legs.

2. Child's Pose to Downward Facing Dog

From a kneeling position have toes touch and knees wide, sit our butt back onto your feet and extend your arms out in front of you, resting your forehead to the ground, reach with those hands and hold for a few seconds. Come up to your knees hands remain shoulder width apart, straighten your legs and push your heels to the ground, hold. For an extra stretch, slowly March your legs keeping your toes flat and pushing your heel to the ground. Repeat.

Happy Stretching!

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